Here you will find all the latest information about the airline which is not given on the Airline Progress page. | |
Airlines current balance : $ 800.007.330,52
Number of pilots : 7
Number of aircrafts : 18
Landing Fee Prices at all airports :
Small aircrafts = $1500,-
Medium aircrafts = $3500,-
Large aircrafts = $5300,-
Catering Fees based on each passenger :
1-5 hours = $25,-
5-10 hours = $45,-
10-24 hours = $95,-
Maintenance Cost : 0.01 % off income
Insurance Cost : 0.015 % off income
Administration Cost : 0.02 % off income
Cargo Charges per LBS : $1,80
Cargo Charges per KG : $3.96
Fuel Price per LBS : $1,26
Seat Price based on distance : <flight distance> X 0.55 = price per seat